The following is excerpted from my book, F*ck the How:
When my divorce went down (back in 2019), I decided to move back to my hometown to live near my family. Once I did, I realized how much extra time I had on my hands and I was bored. So I signed up to be an InstaCart shopper, figuring I enjoyed grocery shopping and could deliver groceries and make extra cash. But after signing up, I didn’t actually do any grocery shops. I just left my InstaCart card stuffed in a box in my closet.
Then the 2020 pandemic hit and I lost a good chunk of my income (a combination of the pandemic and decisions I made to shut down certain income streams that no longer felt aligned for me).
I became insanely stressed about money, which led to me becoming obsessed with why I wasn’t attracting any money, given everything I knew about the Law of Attraction and manifestation (turns out I had BIG lessons to learn during that time, but that’s a story for another book). I had months upon months where no money came into my business, and I wasn’t able to pay any bills or even buy food (thankfully I had support in my life). I couldn’t understand what was happening or why. I was so stressed. I was pissed off and resentful. I was angry at the Universe. I felt like it abandoned me. I was fighting my reality so hard.
The funny thing is, the entire time I was stressed, and angry, and resentful about not making money in my business, my InstaCart card was sitting there. It was available for me to use to deliver someone’s groceries and get paid for it. I could’ve been using it for most of 2020 to make extra cash when it felt like things in my business were tanking.
But I wasn’t on a vibrational frequency that would allow the Universe to remind me that the InstaCart card was even there to begin with. I was completely blocking it with my negative vibration. And it wasn’t until early January 2021, when I made a decision I had put off for years–to finally go all-in on being an author–that my vibration shifted.
A few days later, it felt like a bolt of lightning hit my brain and I suddenly remembered–Holy shit! I could temporarily do InstaCart! And I could’ve been supplementing my barely existent business income by doing InstaCart shops the entire time I was worried and freaking out about money. Not to mention how many more people were using InstaCart being stuck at home in 2020.
The idea to do InstaCart never occurred to me, not even once during that stressful money time in my life. I wasn’t on the vibrational frequency to be able to receive that thought. I had to first feel better and release the resistance to what was going on before I was finally receptive to it.
…And you can read the rest in my book, F*ck the How (chapter 6).