Today is my 13-year blogiversary (the day I started my blog). And as I sit here reflecting on the journey that has unfolded over the past 13 years…
The twists and the turns. The surprises and the serendipities.
The ideas and books and programs and workshops and audios and videos I’ve gotten out into the world. The messages and lessons I’ve learned and experienced and then shared.
Turning my life into my art and art into my life.
And there’s still so much more to come. Like ridiculous amounts of more!!!
As my blog turns 13 and I reflect back on who I was back then to who I have now become, I’m awe-inspired.
Back then, I was the biggest procrastinator on the planet. I would put everything before my writing, including things I hated, like cleaning my apartment or doing dishes.
Back then, I didn’t really believe fully in myself or my writing or the stories or the message that I’m here to share. I didn’t think I had anything worth saying. I didn’t know why anyone would ever want to read my stuff, listen to or pay attention to me.
But I did it anyway.
I started anyway. I took action anyway. I showed up anyway. I did what I felt called to do anyway.
I wrote the words. I published the books. I created the programs. I put myself out into the world. Over and over and over again.
Today, I know who I am and I know where I’m going. I have full clarity on what it’s meant to be about for me and I am fully on that path and moving in that direction.
Today, my writing and self-expression are the most important part of my day every day. It’s what fuels me. It’s what gets me up in the morning.
Today, I have found my life’s work and message and know exactly what I’m here to do.
But I never would’ve figured any of that out or been shown the How of getting to where I am now, 13 years later, if I hadn’t trusted what I saw and felt inside of me, then set the How aside, and took the first step I could think of… starting a blog.
Whatever it is you dream of and desire to do, be or have, you get to have it. It gets to be yours.
You can choose to claim it for yourself right now by first deciding that you get to have it, and then setting the How aside and taking the first step you can think of.
I promise you, the rest will reveal itself along the way.