I had my first multi-four-figure book royalty month and I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE because I was so busy looking around and telling myself that it “wasn’t working.”
At the beginning of this year, I had my first four-figure book royalty month. My books combined made me more than $1,000 in royalties.
And when that happened I decided two things:
1. My royalties would never be less than that ever again (and haven’t been—they’ve only grown!)
2. I was ready to make five figures per month in royalties
And that’s what I’ve been working on ever since. The first step of which was to have a multi-four-figure book royalty month.
Or so I thought.
Just from looking at the data, I could see that my book royalties were going up every month. So I figured it would naturally hit multi-four on its own eventually.
BUT… it turns out it wasn’t as easy or fast as I thought it would be.
I discovered I have A TON of unhelpful subconscious beliefs about myself, being an author, how much I’m capable of making from my books, etc. And those beliefs were energetically BLOCKING me from multi-four in royalties.
Which means it was also blocking five, multi-five, and beyond.
Like I said, I’ve been working on it—the mindset and inner stuff as well as taking the external actions that align. But I had also started doing something, unconsciously, that I didn’t catch myself doing until today when it smacked me in the face.
I was telling myself that it wasn’t working. And that it wasn’t going to work.
I was telling myself I was capped. That four figures and even a high four figures was possible in a month but not multi-four.
And why?
Because “I’m not good enough.”
My books aren’t good enough. And no one is reading them anyway. And if they are they don’t like them because hardly anyone leaves reviews.
Blah blah blah. On and on and on the inner stories went.
And in my mind, it was all true.
So that’s what was being reflected in my physical reality. It looked to me like “nothing was working.”
Meanwhile, in September, I made multi-four figures in royalties from my books!! AND two of my top-selling books now have 65+ reviews each!! So much for the limiting belief that “no one is reading or leaving reviews”
My books combined (the main sellers of which are F*ck the How, Quantum Leap Your Life, and Manifest Everything), for eBook, paperback, hardcover, and Audible made $2,061.14 in royalties for September 2023.
I had my first multi-four-figure royalties month!!
But I didn’t even notice because my mind had me convinced that it wasn’t happening!!
And then this morning during my meditation, a thought came to me… I think I had my first multi-four-figure royalty month already
September was kind of a blur with all of the stuff I had going on, but I vaguely remembered seeing royalty payments drop into my bank account at the end of the month for $1,700-something and for $258 plus a bunch of little payments of $32 and $35 and $34 and $4, etc.
And if my math serves me correctly… those numbers add up to more than $2k.
So I checked my bank account, added up the royalties that landed in my account last month, and lo and behold, I was looking at a multi-four-figure royalty number in black and white.
I had my first multi-four-figure book royalty month and I DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE!!!
Unfortunately, this is how it works. Your subconscious mind and limiting beliefs will always control you and what you see in your reality.
IF you let them.
And that’s why you have to take back your power, be in control, and create what you want versus being reactive to life based on whatever’s programmed in your subconscious.
And, you know, it never hurts to keep an evidence list and remind yourself every day that it IS working. Even if you can’t see it with your physical eyes just yet
P.S. Want to manifest and create what you desire for YOUR life and creative career? Then be sure to grab a copy of my top-selling book: F*ck the How: Get Anything You Want Without Worrying About How You’ll Do It