Nine years ago today, I quit my corporate day job to work for myself as a full-time writer and entrepreneur.
The majority of people on this planet sell their soul every day in exchange for money at some job they don’t even like let alone love. But I’ve been willing to do what most others won’t—deal with extreme uncertainty. Be OK with not having money at times.
Gave myself permission to have what I want. Did the inner work to become a match for the life I now have and beyond. Faced into the guilt and shame (instead of ignoring it) that being a struggling entrepreneur financially caused for me, and moving forward anyhow.
And all along knowing and trusting that the vision I’ve seen inside of me since age 11 is real and meant for me and mine for the taking and unfolding more and more every day.
The journey definitely doesn’t look how you think it will. A lot of the time it feels like you’re going backwards only to go slightly forward and then back again (I will add that is a choice and it doesn’t have to be that way). But eventually I found my way here to where I am right now.
In the most aligned place I’ve ever been. Living the most aligned life I’ve ever had. Doing the things I love and want to be doing and only the things I love and want to be doing. On my time. In whatever location I choose. And with no one to answer to ever except my soul.
If someone had told me back in 2012 when I first quit my day job how much of a journey in self-discovery and personal development and inner trust and inner guidance being an entrepreneur would require, I might have chickened out and not made the leap.
So I’m grateful to not have known what was coming or how long it would take me to finally get to the place where I feel this good about what I’m doing and where I’m going, even if things still seem like a shit show most days. I’m grateful I just dove in head first and never looked back.
Now I get to live life and do business all on my terms and by my rules, and am instead allowing the money and readers and clients and success to come to me; being a magnet for it internally instead of chasing it externally.
Living in the frequency of having it all and knowing it will all continue to unfold and show up and be mine so long as I continue to do my part and stay in my lane.