What’s the “in between?” It’s all of the moments between where you are in your life right now and where you desire to be.
That’s where your life is really happening—in the in-between.
And what determines how fast, smooth, and easily you get to your next destination is how you choose to be in the now.
Are you redirecting your negative thoughts when they pop up every day?
Or are you ignoring and letting them fester, or worse, buying into them?
Are you intentionally deciding how you want to feel and then doing things to make you feel it?
Or are you reacting to life all day long and choosing your vibe, your energy, and how you’re feeling based on whatever shows up?
Are you spending a few minutes every day reprogramming your limiting beliefs and releasing old ones that no longer work for you?
Or are you still clinging to your limiting beliefs like those old jeans in your closet that don’t quite fit anymore?
How you’re living your life and showing up for yourself and your desired future in every in-between moment is what actually matters.
Not what you did last year. Not those bad memories you still can’t shake (although it’s always good to deal with and release those too).
Just what you’re choosing to think, believe, feel, and do in the in-between. That’s where the magic happens.
‘Cause you can’t get to that future if what you’re doing and who you’re being in the NOW isn’t aligned with it.
And that’s why you must learn how to BE in the in-between. So while you’re journeying along from where you are to your desired destination, you’re matching the vibe of it and you’re having fun too.
P.S. My book, Quantum Leap Your Life, will show you how to think, believe, feel, and act in every in-between moment, so you can become and stay a vibrational match to the life you dream of having.
–> Read it here