Earlier this year, I asked my email list to share their goals for 2024 with me, and I would show them how to apply my MANIFEST Method to making it happen.
Here’s what one reader replied to me: “I’m currently attending esthetician school and I want to pass my state board and be successful in my new path.”
Now, let’s go through my MANIFEST Methodology and I’ll show you how to apply it to this specific goal (and goals like it; just substitute her specific career/biz goal for yours):
M = Massive Clarity
This is the step where you get clear on what you want, specifically or in general.
In this reader’s case, she has both a general and specific goal. Her specific goal is that she wants to pass her state board. That is her desired outcome.
The other part of her desire is to be successful in her new path. This is a very broad goal, and the problem with being broad is it’s hard to know whether you’ve manifested it or not.
So I would recommend defining for yourself what it means to “be successful in my new path.” The more specific you can get, the more clarity you’ll have. And this will also help you to know when you’ve manifested it.
A = Advance Gratitude
In this step, pretend like you have already passed your state boards and are living your version of success as an esthetician. And then say thank you to the Universe (or God, Source, etc) for it already being done.
Thank you Universe for helping me to pass my state board and be a successful esthetician.
You can personalize the gratitude in advance statement with your own words. The key here is to really feel the gratitude.
Now you can repeat your gratitude in advance statements whenever you’re worried or feel like it’s not working or not going to work, etc. Don’t give in to fear or doubt. Choose trust and say thank you again.
N = Now decide you’re worthy
This is a BIG one. Worthiness and not feeling good enough for what you want will stop you from getting it (or if you get it, you will unconsciously sabotage it).
So now you need to make sure that you feel worthy and good enough not only to pass your state board but also to be a successful esthetician.
And if you don’t, that’s your work–to figure out why you don’t and then give yourself whatever you need to change how you feel.
I = Inner work
Worthiness aside, you also have to look at your inner world and mindset. Most specifically around you passing your state board and being a successful esthetician.
Do you believe it’s possible? Do you believe it’s possible for you? Is there anything in your thoughts or beliefs that tells you something in opposition to what you want?
That is what you’ll need to work on in this step.
F = Feel it
Next up is feeling like you’ve already passed your state board and are a successful esthetician.
You can do whatever helps you to feel like this is true–visualize, meditate, journal about it, write out a story you can read over and over again.
Do anything you can to create an emotional state that matches how you will feel having passed your state board, and creating a successful career as an esthetician.
E = Embody it
To embody something means you become it. So how can you become the version of you who has passed her state board and created a successful esthetician career?
Act as if you are already this woman by becoming her now.
How would she dress every day? How would she show up in life? What is her posture like when she enters a room? How does she speak? What are her habits? What does she no longer do?
These are all ways you can begin to embody being the version of you who already has what you want.
S = Show up for your life
This step means don’t get so sucked into passing your state board and becoming successful that you forget about everything else. You still get to live your life, be happy, take care of yourself, and enjoy the journey while you’re working on having what you want.
Doing so creates an energy that makes you a vibrational match to your desire of passing your state board and being a successful esthetician.
T = Take inspired action
There’s really two parts to this step–the do what you know to do actions and the inspired ones you’re led to along the way.
Doing what you know to do means thinking about what it would likely take to pass your state board, for example, and doing those actions. To pass your state board, you’ll need to study, practice your craft, complete any hour requirements, and prepare yourself for the test.
Do those things first. And then while you are, stay open to the nudges from the Universe. If you feel a nudge to take an action, do it. You never know where it could lead you.
Questions? I’m happy to help so fire away in the comments!!
Up next in this series: how to use my MANIFEST Method to improve your health.
P.S. The Manifest Method course is currently enrolling new students!! Get allll of the details + sign up here: www.usethemanifestmethod.com.
Note: The information in this blog post is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Results are not guaranteed.