Earlier this year, I asked my email list to share with me their goals for 2024, and I would show them how to apply my MANIFEST Method to it. [You can read Part 1 of this series here and Part 2 here.]
Here’s what a couple of readers replied to me: “ALL of our debt ERASED with ease by the end of 2024. Money comes to me easily without struggle.”
Now, let’s go through my MANIFEST Methodology and I’ll show you how to apply it to this specific goal (and goals like it; just substitute their money goals for yours):
M = Massive clarity
This is the step where you get clear on what you want, specifically or in general.
In the case of these readers, we have both a general and a specific goal. The general goal is to have money come to them easily and without struggle. The specific goal is to erase all of their debt by the end of this year.
And for both goals, I would get even more specific.
How much debt, specifically? Do you know the exact number? Do you know the interest rates? Do you know how much it would cost you per month to pay the debt off in that timeframe?
Knowing these specifics will help you have clarity around what it’s going to take. You don’t have to try and figure out how you’ll pay it, but you do want to have awareness around what the numbers are.
For the general goal, you could also get a little more specific by defining what “easily and without struggle means” in terms of money flow.
Does it mean you’re receiving money every day? Or every month? Or large lump sum amounts? How easy? Like win the lottery easy? Or doing something you love to make money so it doesn’t feel like work easy?
Awareness around all of this will help you in the coming steps when you start taking action.
A = Advance gratitude
In this step, pretend like you have already paid off all of your debt and have money flowing with ease. And then say thank you to the Universe (or God, Source, etc) for it already being done.
Thank you Universe for helping me to pay off all of my debt by the end of this year (keeping in mind that using the word “debt” is fine as long as it doesn’t feel bad to you when you say it; if it does, find a different way to phase it). Thank you Universe for helping me to receive money with total ease.
You can personalize the gratitude in advance statement with your own words. The key here is to really feel the gratitude.
Now you can repeat your gratitude in advance statements whenever you’re worried or feel like it’s not working or not going to work, etc. Don’t give in to fear or doubt. Choose trust and say thank you again.
N = Now decide you’re worthy
This is a BIG one. Worthiness and not feeling good enough for what you want will stop you from getting it (or if you get it, you will unconsciously sabotage it).
Now you have to make sure that you feel worthy of having all of your debt paid off, and worthy of having money flow to you with ease.
If you don’t feel worthy of it, you won’t be able to accept and hold onto money flowing and being easy. And even if you do pay off all of your debt, you’ll be more likely to rack it back up again.
Feeling worthy is a huge component to manifesting what you want. That’s why it’s an earlier step in the process.
It’s my belief that when you do the inner work and change the mindset and identity, you’ll start to take action naturally as a side effect. And speaking of inner work…
I = Inner work
Worthiness aside, you also have to look at your inner world and mindset. Most specifically around you being able to pay off all of your debt, and have money flow with ease.
Some things to look at:
- Your thoughts about money
- Your beliefs about money
- Your beliefs about debt
- Your beliefs about it being easy to make and receive money
- Your thoughts and beliefs around yourself and money
Also, are you focusing on the presence of money, even in the small amounts it may be coming right now? Or are you focusing on the debt and the struggle? Focusing on the struggle will keep you struggling forever.
So as much as possible, your inner work is to shift your focus over and over again to abundance, and to the areas of your life where you feel good and things are working.
F = Feel it
Next up is feeling like you’ve already paid off all of your debt, and are now experiencing money flowing with ease.
You can do whatever helps you to feel like this is true–visualize, meditate, journal about it, write out a story you can read over and over again.
Do anything you can to create an emotional state that matches how you will feel having paid off your debt, and having easy money flow.
E = Embody it
To embody something means you become it. So how can you become the version of you who has already paid off her debt, and is now living a life of money flowing with ease?
Act as if you are already this woman by becoming her now in whatever ways you can.
For example, if you know the version of you who has paid off her debts wouldn’t use credit cards anymore, stop using them from now. Don’t wait until you pay your debt off to cut them up or freeze them. Do it now. And don’t pay for anything else with a credit card no matter what.
Or if you know money flowing with ease would mean you’re doing what you love and getting paid for it, start doing what you love right now and look for ways to get paid to do it. In whatever ways you can.
You might not be able to quit your day job and to do your art full time yet, but you could intentionally devote a set amount of time each week to working on your art, and starting your art business or trying to sell it somewhere.
This is how you show up as that version of you and create her into reality.
S = Show up for your life
This step means don’t get so sucked into paying off your debt and trying to make money easier that you forget about everything else. You still get to live your life, be happy, take care of yourself, and find ways (even little ones) to enjoy the journey while you’re working on having what you want.
This could mean still taking your annual vacation even though you’re trying to save money, but just doing it in a less expensive way. Or it could look like allowing yourself social time one night a week instead of using every week night to work on your side hustle.
The idea with this step is that you still find ways to live your life WHILE you work on manifesting paying off your debt, and having more money flow.
T = Take inspired action
There’s really two parts to this step–the do what you know to do actions and the inspired ones you’re led to along the way.
To pay off debt, there are definitely things you know you can be doing, such as cutting down on unnecessary spending, getting an additional income source, or simply managing your money better. Or to have more money flow with ease, you know you could find a second job, apply for a higher paying job, or raise your prices in your business.
Do some of that stuff right now.
And then there are the actions you will be inspired to along the way. Things that the Universe nudges you with, or suggestions/resources/people that show up in your life. When those come to you, trust and take action (if it would feel good to). You never know where it will lead you.
Note: The information in this blog post is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Results are not guaranteed.