This is my dog, Weiland (see pic). He is relentlessly determined to get what he wants and he is always unavailable for not getting it. He expects to get it and will not give up until he does.
Take, for instance, this morning. I put some gluten-free toast in the toaster and then set everything out to make a BLT (yes, I eat those in the morning). I hate making sandwiches when my toast is hot because it melts the mayo and I like my mayo cold. So once the toast was done, I left it in the toaster to cool down and I went into the living room to listen to a podcast episode.
Normally, Weiland follows me everywhere I go. But not this morning. This morning he wanted some of the bacon he knew was on the counter.
And he wasn’t giving up until he got it.
So while I sat on the couch listening to the podcast, Weiland stayed in the kitchen, sitting like a perfect angel in the middle of the floor.
He didn’t give up and come sit with me. He didn’t wait for a few minutes and then decide it wasn’t going to happen and give up. He waited there the entire time.
Because he knew.
He knew I would eventually come back into the kitchen to finish making that sandwich. He knew when I did, he would get a small piece of bacon.
And he wanted that bacon. He was not gonna give up until he got it.
That, my friend, is what relentless determination looks like. That is what it means to expect what you want and to be unavailable for not getting it.
Take a lesson from Weiland.
If you want something, you must be relentlessly determined to get it. You must believe that you get to have it. You must expect it. And you must be focused on it and unavailable for anything else.
That is how you get everything you want (or something even better).