Last December, I spent weeks launching a program that I was VERY excited about. It came through as a Divine Download and I immediately decided to do it.
I acted as if it was already done.
I wrote the sales page. I connected the payment buttons and made the payment plans. I set up the private FB group and even did a pre-work video so the people who signed up had something to dive into right away.
I was ready. I was willing. And I kept on going.
Even when the entire launch got crickets.
I made videos or did a livestream almost every day. I wrote a post several times a day messaging and talking about it. I even added it into my daily mindset practice intentions and visualization.
And still crickets.
The end date for the launch came and no one had signed up. I had shown up more during that launch than I ever had before, even while doing a 40-hour week at my BF’s store helping them for Christmas, and dealing with a fucking stye.
I didn’t let anything stop me. I continued to believe and hold the faith all the way to the end.
And still crickets.
No one signed up. No one reached out to ask about it. I made zero dollars.
It didn’t really make sense to me at the time. I had taken the actions and shown up and done the work and even had my belief and energy behind it.
So why didn’t it work?
This is the point where most people stop. They throw in the towel and decide it’s not going to work, it’s not meant for them, they make it mean a whole bunch of stuff it doesn’t actually mean. And they quit or they move on to something else.
But I don’t do that.
I still felt called to this offer. I still believed in its validity and necessity in the world. I still knew I was meant to deliver it.
So I just kept going. Thinking about the program and meditating for up to an hour at a time. Leaning back and trusting more than I had in my business ever before.
And what came through not long after that launch ended up being the thing that is now my thing.
What came though were three words that I had said and thought many times in the past but hadn’t connected to my process or the program I was creating. Until the day the three words came though in my meditation.
I was thinking about all of the things I had achieved and made happen over the course of my life that I didn’t know how I would do when I started. I just believed and continued to take whatever actions I could think of and the how had always presented itself to me, and I got what I wanted.
And then the three words dropped into my mind: Fuck the How.
That was it. That was what I had done my entire life. I had said fuck the how and got what I truly wanted anyhow. I didn’t know to call it that at the time, but now I finally had words for it.
Fuck the How.
That was my process. That was my journey. That was my how of getting everything I’ve ever wanted and most especially the stuff I had no clue how I’d get.
Fuck the How.
I immediately started writing a book, and weaving into it my story of how I manifested my divorce, which was the final puzzle piece for me fully embodying Fuck the How in my own life. (I now use this process for literally everything!) The words were flying onto the page at a rapid pace, like I was channeling them from something bigger than me.
The program I launched in December immediately morphed into what is now the core offer in my business—Fuck the How: a 6-week dream life accelerator to get whatever you want without worrying about how.
When I launched that in early 2021, I got 4 sign ups. That may not seem like much, but for me it was absolutely the evidence I needed to keep going. To know that this is my thing and what I’m here to help people with.
To keep believing.
A few weeks later, I decided to take the action step that had been nudging me from the previous year and I just hadn’t fully worked myself up to taking it. I started a TikTok channel called @fuckthehow and the first few videos share the story of how I manifested my divorce.
The TikTok channel blew up! Within 2 weeks of starting it, I had 10K followers and hundreds of thousands of video views.
F*ck the How, the book and the program and the TikTok channel, started weaving together in the most beautiful way. The ideas just kept coming, and I was getting insights and inspiration from the program and the TikTok for what to write or add into the book.
Everything has become the most magical dance with the Universe where every day a new piece of the how is revealed to me and I just continue taking action in that direction. Staying connected to the bigger vision and the feeling of it, and no longer worrying about or giving thought to what the physical reality currently looks like.
Not a whole lot has changed in my physical reality from December to today. Some stuff, but not much.
But what has changed is my inner-state, my belief in myself, my belief in what’s possible for me, and my full all-in commitment to having it regardless of how.
I’m launching the book later this spring. The Fuck the How program will also relaunch at that time. And I know that the physical reality will look a lot different this time around as well.
The program that downloaded to me last December that I then spent the entire month launching to crickets wasn’t for nothing. It was simply a step on the path to where I am right now.
It was the Universe preparing me for what’s to come. Readying me to fully step into my purpose and true work in the world that I’m now doing and freaking loving.
For me, this was the path of least resistance and the Universe bringing me something even better than what I knew to ask for.
If that program in December had worked out and people had signed up, then Fuck the How probably wouldn’t even exist right now. I wouldn’t have been in a receptive energy. I would’ve been focused on running and creating content for that program and working with those clients and that would’ve been it.
But the Universe always knows better and I’m so grateful for that.
Fuck the How is my gift to the world. It’s my life’s work. It’s the culmination of my entire journey so far.
And there’s SO MUCH MORE to come. But for now, I am feeling insanely grateful and am so happy to be exactly where I am.
You get to have everything you want, so long as you’re willing to let go of how it will happen, and can simply do your part which is to know what you want, be a vibrational match to it, and then trusting and taking action accordingly until it shows up.