If you want to achieve or receive things in life, you must take action. That is the well-believed truth of the world we live in.
And I’m not knocking it. Of course, actions must be taken if you want to get anywhere in life or business.
BUT what I want to do is clarify that there is a BIG difference between actions you take because you think you have to or should be doing things, versus actions you take because you’re being the person who already has the result/outcome.
When you’re taking actions from a “doing” place, you:
- Believe doing is what matters most
- Think it’s up to you to make stuff happen
- Put figuring out the “how” all on yourself
- Take action from a place of not being “there” yet
- Waste time and energy doing too much
- Take way more actions than are necessary and burn yourself out
- Add way more steps (and time) into the process than are required
- Feel a sense of panic, overwhelm, urgency, struggle
When you’re taking actions from a “being” place, you:
- Believe that who you’re being is what matters most
- Know you don’t have to make anything happen or figure anything out
- First go to the end result/outcome that you desire and then ask yourself–if I was already there, who would I be being? What would I be doing? How would I be living my life? and then use what comes up as marching orders
- Only take action from a place of already being there
- Embody being the person who already has the life, the business, the result, the outcome, the desire that you want
- Skip over steps and quantum leap your way there
- Feel a sense of ease, flow, fun, enjoyment
You can choose to operate from a place of “doing” and achieve and receive things that way. Or you can choose to operate from a place of “being” and achieve and receive that way. Both options are available and yours for the choosing.
But while both are options, there’s one option that feels better and that will get you to your desired end result a hell of a lot faster, and that is operating from BEING.
I’ve done it both ways in my life and business, and I’ll take BEING any day of the week, ’cause feeling good is the point and the path.