I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out what I wanted to say about turning 40 today. There are so many things I could say.
But all I really feel to say right now is this: You can create ANY life you want for yourself. You can become ANY version of you that you desire to be.
It won’t happen overnight, but if you just take action, work on your mindset and inner stuff, trust and keep on going you will eventually wake up one morning looking around at your life and realizing that you did it.
You created the life you always dreamed of.
Today was that day for me, as I’ve looked back on the past 40 years but most especially the past 9 months of my life and realized I have created my version of it all AND there’s still so much more to come!!
It took A LOT of inner and outer work to build this life, but it’s mine, and I love it beyond words.
Today, as I celebrate stepping into my new decade, I am the happiest I have ever been. I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I look the best I’ve ever looked (#reverseagingforthewin).
My author business is thriving and I’m making an actual income from my books. I am in the best relationship I’ve ever had with the man of my absolute dreams.
I have massive self-love and self-worth and boundaries and standards, all that I now actually uphold.
And those are all things I couldn’t have said about my life 10 or even 5 years ago. Best of all, I know it’s only getting better from here ‘cause the better it gets, the better it keeps on getting. And I am open and available for magic, miracles, and massive amounts of awesome.
This is 40.