This is my amazing client, Doris B. Kinder. She’s 95-years-old and toward the end of last year, her doctors told her she only had about six months to live.
She was in hospice at the time and she contacted me to help her get her book finished and out into the world before she leaves.
I said yes and we dove in. I even skipped my usual two-week work break for the holidays in December and we charged through the revision of this story. In January, it went to my team for line edits, cover design, and interior formatting.
During this time, she ended up in the hospital for something non-life threatening, but they told her she would most likely not get to leave.
Her book was published on Kindle while she was in the hospital, so her son bought a Kindle and brought it to her so she could read it. It lifted her spirits so much, she was able to leave in a few days!!
Her doctors couldn’t believe it, but they credited her book for making it happen.
A few days later, her novel was published in print and I had a few copies sent to her son so he could bring them to her.
Today, I received this picture and email from Doris’ son:
“You and the team might have created an immortal monster by helping her finish the book. When I saw her yesterday she had the most energy I’ve seen out of her in years and have no doubt that the book is responsible.
This never would have happened without you, and I mean you in particular. Mom never would have trusted anyone else to help her and her trust was rewarded way out of proportion. Thank you once again.”
It is MY GOD-GIVEN PURPOSE on this planet to live my dreams and to help other people live theirs. And I thank Doris IMMENSELY for reminding me of that.
You can absolutely achieve ANYTHING you set your mind to and take action on.
And hey, a little bit of help never hurt anyone.
You can pick up a copy of Doris’ novel, Storm, here: https://amzn.to/2HZl06t