The reason I’m so passionate about helping other people create their version of “the dream life” is because not that long ago, I was living a mediocre life that made me sad.
I knew I was capable of SO MUCH MORE in all of the different areas of my life.
But I was scared. And settling.
It’s what I was unconsciously taught to do
It was programmed into me as a kid that you don’t get to have what you want. Only other people get to have that. That I wasn’t good enough for it. I didn’t have what it took to have “the good life.”
I had to settle for crumbs and be happy with it.
And that’s what I did until I was 35 years old. Settled. Accepted less than what I wanted.
I didn’t believe I was good enough to have anything else. So I found a way to accept a mediocre marriage to a person I wasn’t in love with. Found a way to accept a career that wasn’t my soul’s calling or what I really wanted to be doing with my life.
Became okay with having less than what I actually wanted.
I did that for far too long. And then one afternoon, on the daily walk I used to take at the time, I had a thought–What if I could have something better?
What if I could have a relationship and a person who I became more and more in love with as the years went on? Who I’m proud to say is my person. What if I could do the work I LOVE to do and get paid for it? What if I could actually become that author I’ve always dreamed of being?
That first “what if” changed everything. It made me believe more was possible for me.
From that place, I went on a journey. One where I began to allow myself to want what I actually wanted, and had permission from myself to have it.
And five years later… my entire life is different.
I now have a dream relationship with a man I love more and more every day and who is the best human I have ever known.
I now have a dream business where I get to write books, share stories, and help people change their lives using intentional manifestation as the catalyst for it all.
I now have an incredible home in the middle of nature, surrounded by woods and wildlife, and house projects galore to keep my interior design-loving heart happy.
I now have hobbies. I have social time. I’m living near my family again.
And it just keeps getting better and better.
It wasn’t easy, and I didn’t get here overnight, but to look back at where I was at age 35, all I can feel is gratitude and appreciation.
For that woman I was back then, who so desperately wanted to live a better life but just didn’t know how. For the journey I allowed myself to go on, figuring out how to create that life.
And for continuing to believe and know and trust that I would somehow arrive at better. My version of “the good life.”
Everything it took fo me to get here… where I’m now the happiest I’ve ever been, and living the life that is most aligned with my values and dreams than it has ever been… is inside The MANIFEST Method course.
If you know you’re meant for so much more, and you are ready to create it for yourself—I’d love for you join us.
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