There was a time when I would’ve laughed in your face if you said I should put my picture on the front cover of a book. I would’ve said there’s no freaking way in hell I’m doing that. I was perfectly happy with my nondescript book covers.
And then came, F*ck the How. The book of books.
The book that has pushed me to my edge in so many ways. The book that has forced me to rise up in a way I never have previously. The book that has already taken on a life of its own… and it’s not even out in the world yet.
When I was feeling into what the cover of this book was supposed to be, the message from the Universe was loud and clear: it needed to have my picture on the front.
This is one of the scariest and most insanely visible things I’ve ever done. But I one hundred thousand million percent stand behind my story, and this message, and this process, and everything I’m delivering on the pages of this book.
So my picture on the cover it is.
I called up my good friend Heather B-Yanaitis, who’s a photographer and I asked her if she wanted to collaborate with me on a cover for, F*ck the How. She, of course, said yes and we shot the photos a few days later.
I went back and forth on which image to use, as we got several that felt like potential cover images. In the end, it really came down to which picture and which design most created the vibe I’m going for.
The one I chose is not at all what I originally thought it would be, but I am so insanely happy with how it turned out.
I was going to wait a little longer to share the cover publicly, but this morning I got the message that today is the day. So here it is…

Making its debut on Monday, June 7.
I cannot wait for you to hold this book in your hands!!!