When I was a kid and young adult, I wanted so many things SO badly. Yet those things were just not happening for me.
And I was so frustrated because I wanted them NOW NOW NOW!!
But I didn’t know how to get what I wanted OR what I was doing unconsciously in opposition to me having it.
As I journeyed along, I became interested in personal development. And along that path, I was led to books by my now favorite author Mike Dooley.
His message was loud and clear—you can have whatever you want if you don’t get caught up in what he calls “the Cursed Hows.”
For some reason, I just believed him. I made a choice to believe him. And I went into my life trying to live like the How didn’t matter.
And things started to shift.
Eventually, I unconsciously started to GET that the how didn’t matter. That the how wasn’t even up to us at all but was actually the Universe’s (aka God’s) job.
I practiced leaning into my desires more and surrendering the outcome more.
And things started to happen that had never happened before. Things I wouldn’t have previously believed were possible for me.
Until I finally did.
Becoming a successful self-published author. Finding the love of my life. Having some of the material things I’d wanted for so long.
These days, I still have a strong desire for the things I dream of being, doing, and having. I just no longer feel like I have to be in a rush to get it all right now.
I have created a process that I use and apply to anything I do have a strong desire for. I focus on where I feel the strongest desire.
I know I can manifest whatever I want. And when I want something but don’t have it yet, I know what to do to make a shift.
So now I don’t worry as much about how long something will take to manifest because I know that it eventually will.
I can feel it and see the vision. Even if not with my physical eyes just yet.
And I can trust.
I can fully surrender into knowing what’s for me, and what’s to come while being open to all of the possibilities the Universe desires to deliver to me. Amazing things I may not even know to want or have gratitude in advance for.
Because I fully KNOW that it’s always this or something better.
And that makes it much easier to stay present, and enjoy the moment and the journey.
P.S. Want to learn how to trust and surrender your desires and dreams so you can live your life while resting assured they will be yours?? Doors to the next live round of The Manifest Method are opening later this week!!
WANT IN? Send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll make sure you get the link as soon as the doors are officially open.
Pic above-deer in my front yard this morning. Something I never knew I wanted and now love getting to have.