For. those times when you think you’re “too old” or it’s “too late” to do, be, or have what you dream of…
At 27… I published my first book.
At 28… I quit my corporate day job to follow my dream of working for myself.
At 32… I published my first novel.
At 33… I became a bestselling author x3.
At 34… I refurbished my first piece of furniture.
At 35… I got divorced.
At 37… I dropped a business I’d had for 10 years to go all in on my dream of being a full-time author.
At 38… I got certified in Interior Design.
At 39… I had my first four-figure book royalty month + I got into hand-building pottery + I wrote and published my 17th book.
At 40… I’ve just barely gotten started. 🔥
P.S. Do you find yourself getting way too caught up on the How of making your dreams happen? Then you need to check out my book, F*ck the How! It will help you learn to set the How aside so you can go for and believe in even your biggest dreams and desires.
–> Buy it here